Cosmic Voids: What’s in there?

A special public talk by Dr Krzysztof Bolejko from the School of Natural Sciences, University of Tasmania.
The Universe on its largest scales (i.e. scales of billion of light years) has the form of a web. The cosmic web permeates the entire Universe. On these cosmic scales matter is distributed along filaments. The nodes of the cosmic web (where the filaments cross) are occupied by clusters and groups of galaxies. In one such place our own galaxy resides. Cosmic voids are places between filaments. These are vast, seemingly empty regions, almost devoid of galaxies. Cosmic voids could harbour hundreds of thousands of galaxies but we only observe a few galaxies inside cosmic voids.
Dr Bolejko will present the current state of knowledge about the cosmic voids and discuss how in the future we will investigate these pristine environments to learn more about the nature of dark matter.