Rewilding Tasmania

The University of Tasmania is convening a one-day symposium that features leading experts from academia and the community to debate the role of “rewilding” and other restorative practices as a framework for sustaining Tasmania’s environment.
The symposium examines the theory of rewilding, as well as case studies of actual and potential applications in Tasmania.
Speakers are Prof. David Bowman (School of Plant Science, UTAS), Assoc. Prof. Kate Crowley (School of Social Sciences, UTAS), Prof. Craig Johnson (IMAS, UTAS), Adam Beeson (Environmental Defender’s Office), Prof. Chris Johnson and Dr Menna Jones (School of Zoology, UTAS), Phillipa McCormack (Faculty of Law, UTAS), Todd Dudley (North East Bioregional Network) and Jane Hutchinson (Tasmanian Land Conservancy).
Enquiries and registrations to attend must be made to Professor Ben Richardson at:
This is a free event, open to members of the public who register in advance.