Science in the Pub: Why it's so hard to be healthy

The setting of the monthly gatherings will be very informal. You can come-and-go as you please (whenever you need a refill) and there is no cost to attend. Each panellist will spend about 10 minutes talking about their experience with the topic and present a summary of the data available for the topic. After this brief introduction to the topic, we will hold an open discussion that is driven largely by questions from the audience. As an added bonus there will be a drawing for a gift certificate for food at the pub!
James Sharman, Deputy Director – Menzies Institute for Medical Research, University of Tasmania
Barbara de Graaff, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Health Economics, Menzies Institute for Medical Research, University of Tasmania
Melanie Sharman, PhD candidate (Public Health), Menzies Institute for Medical Research, University of Tasmania